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The Trophy 2023 – Belgie
25 februari 2023 - 26 februari 2023

Om naar uit te kijken, de Internationale Bonsai show, in België.
Bonsai Association Belgium presents:
The Trophy 2023:
- Major exhibition of Bonsai, Kifu and Shohin
- Special line up of bonsai by Nippon Bonsai Sakka Kyookai Europe
- Special Prize for the best Fukinagashi
- Exhibition of suiseki abd exclusive bonsai pots
- Belgian selection of the EBA New Talent contest
- 4300 m2 bonsai trading area
Top international demonstrators:
Enrico Savini (IT)
Andres Alvarez Iglesias (ES)
Piotr Czerniachowski (PL)
Pietro Sampirisi (IT)